I love to preach the Gospel in front of the great crowds of people we’ve had the privilege of preaching to all around the world. I love to hold up my Bible and say – “I believe every Word in this Bible is true, whether we see anything or not tonight we are going to preach the Word of God, because the Word of God is true.” Faith is believing what God’s Word say’s irrespective of circumstance.

The reason I hold up my Bible is to make it very clear to everyone in that great crowd, that our faith is not based in anything but the Word of God. When we stand on the Word of God and do not move from that place, that’s when miracles happen. When we refuse to be moved by what we see, that’s when miracles happen. God’s Word cannot return void.

Sometimes life’s circumstances can be so stacked against us moving in faith. It’s as if the devil Himself is at work to intimidate us and prevent us from making the decision to believe God. Today I want to encourage you, you CAN believe. No matter how difficult the circumstances of your life have become, you can still make the decision to believe God anyway.

When I first made the decision to step out into this ministry work, I sensed the Spirit of God speaking to me and saying “I’m looking for someone who will believe me even when things seem impossible.” We have seen God do so many incredible miracles over the years in response to our faith in Him.

There are times when or faith can and will be tested. James 1:1-3 says “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”

Our faith is tested because God is wanting us to get stronger, for us to develop the character and nature of Christ in our lives. God always wants us to believe. The enemy may try and test our faith through circumstances and life’s difficulties, but we can still choose to believe. Today I want to give your faith a boost. You CAN believe! You might not be feeling that way today, but faith is a choice! You keep believing God! Sooner or later He will come through for you!

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