Have you ever felt like the odds were stacked against you? Sometimes life can feel like that. Sometimes we can feel like all the forces of hell, all the circumstances of life, everything can seem to feel like it’s conspiring to make life difficult if not impossible for us. Sometimes life can get so difficult, it can be overwhelming. Today I want to encourage you, you can believe God will come through for you against all odds!

Sometimes the circumstances we face can seem insurmountable. Even intimidating. When David faced Goliath, he was heading into battle with a giant who some believe was nine feet and three inches tall. According to some commentators, his spear may have been as long as 26 feet in length. He was a formidable opponent! And here was David the Shepherd boy coming to oppose this giant with just a sling and a few stones.

David could have been tempted to think the odds were stacked against him. He could have been overwhelmed by the sheer size and strength of the giant he faced, but he reminded himself of his victory over the lion, he reminded himself of his victory over the bear. He reminded himself of the things he had been able to do in the past with the grace and help of God.

The odds were against Abraham and Sarah having a child. In Genesis 17 the Lord came to Abraham and tells him his wife would have a child. In verse 17 we see Abraham’s response “Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?” In chapter 18 Sarah has the same response she laughs as well and yet God still kept his promise against all odds.

Today maybe you’re feeling the heat of circumstance bearing down on you. I want to encourage you to remind yourself of the things God has done for you. He has saved you, He has recused you, He has delivered you and brought you to this place. Sometimes impossible circumstances can feel like they have a stranglehold on our faith. Today I want to challenge you to believe God against all odds.

Maybe it looks hopeless right now, it looks like God will never move or never come through. Maybe it’s getting worse for you by the day. I want to encourage you to believe God against all odds.

Many years ago when I was about to launch out into the ministry I was facing a mountain of impossibility. I felt God speak to my heart and say “I’m looking for someone who will believe me even when everything seems impossible.” I want to encourage you today, God is looking for you to believe against all odds! Only believe, only believe all things are possible for the one who believes! (Mark 9:23)

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