Today I want to spend a few moments considering the issue of perseverance. Perseverance is the quality of character that keeps a person moving forward in spite of opposition. James 1:12 tells us “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” We live in a world that wants everything now and wants it to come to them easily, but God is looking for those who persevere when things get difficult, who keep moving forward in the things of God, who get through the trials of life and pass the test!

The Greek work for perseverance is hupomeno which means “absolutely and emphatically, under misfortunes and trials to hold fast to one’s faith in Christ” and “to endure, bear bravely and calmly any ill-treatment.” As we live out our lives of faith for Jesus and persevere in spite of opposition and trials of many kinds it’s very pleasing to God. Life brings so many tests and trials our way and it’s how we respond to these tests and trials that God is watching. Will we still hold fast to our faith in Christ? Will be endure the trials and bear them bravely and calmly?

1 Peter 2:18-20 says “Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. Of course, you get no credit for being patient if you are beaten for doing wrong. But if you suffer for doing good and endure it patiently, God is pleased with you.”

This word here for ‘bears up’ and ‘endure’ is the same Greek word hupomeno. If we go through difficult times and persevere patiently, God is pleased with us. It’s when we go through things in life and keep the right attitude, something very powerful is released in us and through us.

I remember when I was starting out in the ministry, I was preaching in a Church in El Salvador and the Spirit of God swept through that place for many hours. A lady walked up to me and began to prophesy over me and part of what she said was “You are going through the most difficult trial of your life right now.” She had no idea what I was going through at that time, but she was right, I was going through the most difficult trial of my life. But as I patiently endured and persevered, continued serving and following God, something powerful was released in that place.

I don’t want to take credit for a move of God, God doesn’t need any help from me to be God. He gets all the glory and credit for what happened in that place. But I will say this, at the most broken point in life, my most difficult trial, God showed up, He was there pouring out His wonderful grace. You don’t get wine out of grapes without crushing the grapes. You don’t get oil out of olives without pressing them.

God will use every difficult trial we go through in life, to release more of His glory in and through our lives, if we will only persevere. If we just don’t quit! Today I want to encourage you to persevere. Maybe you are faced with some difficulties which don’t seem fair to you, or don’t make sense. I want to encourage you to endure, be patient. God is watching you. His grace is sufficient for you. You hang in there, God will come through for you.

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