There are times in our life when God comes to us, He gives us our marching orders and we think ‘wow! This is wonderful! How exciting!’ Then we begin to think ‘hang on a minute, God just asked me to do something impossible!’ And then we think ‘There is absolutely no way this is going to happen without supernatural intervention!’ And then we think ‘God just gave me an impossible mission. This is mission impossible!’ Sometimes as we’re standing there pondering these things, the recorded message self destructs, we’ve got a mountain of impossibility in front of us, and we’re left standing there wondering what to do!

Today I want to encourage you that if you’re in that place, you’ve been given an impossible mission, you’re in good company. Throughout the Scriptures we see so many examples of people who were given impossible missions from God.

God told childless Abraham he would be the father of many nations. His wife laughed when the angel told them they would have a child. God told Moses to challenge the greatest powers of the day and deliver an entire nation from bondage. Moses had no confidence in himself or his ability to speak, his brother had to speak on his behalf.

God told Joshua to take the city of Jericho by marching around the walls. Let’s just say marching around walls doesn’t cause them to fall. You’re going to need some supernatural intervention with that kind of assignment. God told Gideon defeat the entire Philistine army with a handful of soldiers. It is entirely counter-intuitive to fight a massive army with just a few good soldiers, but Gideon had no choice, He had to obey God. God told Joseph he would be a great ruler. He must have been wondering how that would happen when he was a slave and a prisoner.

And then there is the Great Commission. Jesus gives the mission to all of his followers in Mark 16:15 to “”Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” The job of the Church is to reach out to a world in need of the message of the gospel! In verse 20 of Chapter 16 it says “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.”

Without God working with us, how we fulfill this Great Commission? The truth is we can’t. God expects us to believe that with His help we can. God wants us to have rock solid confidence in His faithfulness! He wants us to be like Abraham and Sarah who ‘judged God faithful who had promised.’ (Hebrews 11:11) It is our faith in the faithfulness of God, which will help us accomplish this mission.

And we need to understand that it is not our own efforts that will make it happen. We need to die to our own strength. This mission will be fulfilled, not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of God. (Zech 4:6) Our focus is on God and not on ourselves. It is His ability we are connecting to! My mentor in the ministry has a saying, ‘don’t do anything you can do, do something that only God can do through you!

And there are many facets of fulfilling the Great Commission. Whatever part God calls you to play you can almost guarantee that if it’s something God has called you to do, it will have the element of the impossible. Maybe you know God has set something before you to do and you know it is humanly impossible. Maybe you need a burning bush encounter like Moses, you need some direction and power from God.

Maybe God has you believing for the salvation of a loved one or work colleague and you know it will take a miracle to see that person come into the kingdom. Maybe God has called you to start a business or a new career. Whatever it is today, I want to encourage you that God knows that some things He calls us to do are impossible.

God is wanting to stretch you to believe Him for more. To depend on Him more than ever before. To believe Him more than ever before. To trust Him more than ever before. To pray and seek Him like never before. God is looking for people who dare to believe Him and take Him at His word. People who believe His report and who are not intimidated by impossible circumstances.

I am believing God that as you read this message today God will begin working miracles in your life. I am believing that God will begin moving the mountains of impossibility. That you will begin to see the miracle intervention of God. Sometimes we need to take steps in the direction God gives us and as we do we will see the mountains move before us.

I want to encourage you today as you are standing there wondering how you are going to complete the impossible mission God has set for you, determine to obey God, look to Him and not the circumstances, believe that God is able to supernaturally intervene to ensure your mission is a complete success. Don’t be intimidated by the giants in the land in front of you, believe that God is able to give you the land He has promised!

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