If you do a study of the origin, nature and scope of sin, you’ll find that there are a number of different theories or theological viewpoints concerning this issue. Some believe that the mother of all sin is unbelief. Others believe it’s the result of insecurity or fear. Sin is not an easy thing to define. I don’t have time to go into an in depth analysis of the issue, but I will say one of the definitions of the source of sin I want to focus on today is ‘the failure to let God be God.’ Many of the problems we face in life spring from when we begin to do things our own way and leave God out of the equation. They result from our failure to let God be God.

God created human beings for relationship – relationship with God and relationship with other people. It is as these relationships disintegrate that problems occur. The Bible says in Jeremiah 17:5-6 “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord. That person will be like a bush in the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes. They will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives.”

This passage indicates that all of our problems in life; the sin and the effects of sin, result from a lack of dependence on God. I don’t believe God wants to bully us into relationship; however what I do believe is that many times He is wanting to help us; wanting to intervene, or wanting to move supernaturally in our lives, and  we get in His way! We are so used to doing things our own way that we have lost the ability to just let God be God!

I remember a time when I preaching in a Church in Kentucky, all of a sudden, half way through my message, I couldn’t preach any more. It felt like I suddenly ran into a brick wall. I had a decision to make at that point, either I was going to keep preaching, or I would just get out of God’s way. Fortunately, I chose to wait on God, and as I did, the Holy Spirit shook that place.

The Pastor, of the church, was taken, in a vision, before the throne room of God and saw unspeakable things. Many of the people were deeply impacted by the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. There are times God is wanting to show up and show off and we need to be willing to let Him do just that!

There are times when we move, and times when God moves. We give him our loaves and fishes and He uses it to feed the multitudes (Matthew 14:13-21). We give Him our jar of oil, and He gets us out of debt (2 Kings 4:1-7). We give Him our water and he turns it into wine (John 2:1-11). Our job is to walk in relationship with God, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, believe and trust God, and then God does what He does best – supernatural miracles!

Jesus modeled a life of dependence on God. He would take time out from his busy ministry schedule to seek God and get some rest (Mark 6:31). Many times He would spend the entire night in prayer, seeking God (Luke 6:12). He would never do anything unless God showed Him what to do (John 5:19). Not only did Jesus die for us, He also showed us how to live!

We need to learn when it’s time to act, and when it’s time to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. We need to learn when it’s time to work and when it’s time to rest. Sometimes we get so busy and frantic trying to make things happen, when God may be saying, “Take a step back and let me be God.”

The Bible says in Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.” Sometimes it’s as we stop, take a step back from the business of life and contemplate His greatness and His awesomeness, that we can begin to believe and let God be God. God may be wanting to move in your life today, and He may just be looking for an opportunity. I want to challenge you afresh today to let God be God in your life!

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