When Moses had his encounter with the Burning Bush as detailed in Exodus 3, he was forever changed. One moment he was a shepherd, taking care of the family business and the next moment he was a great deliverer, bringing freedom to an entire nation in bondage with mighty signs and wonders! Moses carried the weight of God’s glory and fire with him as he walked into the heart of Egypt for the great showdown with Pharaoh. Today I want to encourage you, you can carry the fire of God into the heart of the enemy’s camp and believe God to release miracles and salvation as you do!

The fire of God brings freedom to the captives! The great Evangelist Charles Finney said that when he was saved he “received overwhelming baptisms of the Holy Ghost that went through him, as it seemed, body and soul. He immediately found himself endued with such power from on high that a few words dropped here and there to individuals were the means of their immediate conversion.“

That’s fire! That’s power! The Bible tells us that the Apostle Peter walked in such power and authority that even his shadow brought healing to the sick. “As a result of the apostles’ work, sick people were brought out into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter’s shadow might fall across some of them as he went by.” (Acts 5:15)

Jesus saw similar things take place wherever he went. Luke 4:40-41 tells us: “As the sun went down that evening, people throughout the village brought sick family members to Jesus. No matter what their diseases were, the touch of his hand healed every one. Many were possessed by demons; and the demons came out at his command, shouting, “You are the Son of God!” But because they knew he was the Messiah, he rebuked them and refused to let them speak.”

And today God wants us to be just like Jesus; so impacted by His power and fire that we see similar things happen. I could tell you so many stories of the wonderful things God has done in the nations of the world in our ministry: blind eyes opened, deaf ears unstopped, paralytics walking, thousands saved and delivered. We have seen the fire of God impact so many lives around the world. Today I’m believing God for a fresh outpouring of the fire of the Holy Spirit over your life. That God will use you to carry that fire wherever you go to bring healing to the sick and salvation to the lost.

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