There is some genuine concern right now about the current economic situation in the US and it’s global implications. We are currently facing the possibility of major global economic meltdown. It looks like we are in the early stages of it right now. People right now are watching the news and there is a lot fear, concern and even panic in the markets about the future.

I want to share a few thoughts to encourage you today as you look to the future, and step into what seems to be a world of uncertainty. I believe a song which many of us know is highly relevant right now “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” These are times when we need to build all we do upon the Word of God. We need to learn how to hear God’s voice and build our lives on Christ alone.

The Bible tells us that man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. (Mat. 4:4) We need to look to God and His Word even when the whole world around us falling apart, when everything around us is sinking sand we know we can stand on the solid rock of Christ. Jesus said to build our house on the rock (his teachings) so that when the storm comes our house will stand. (Mat. 7:24-27)

In a service a few weeks ago, I preached a message on the supernatural provision of God. The service was explosive and left me with a real sense that God is wanting to do something big in the midst of this economic turmoil and He is going to use His people to demonstrate His power. There are many reports coming in regarding the economic future that we can believe, but I believe we need to challenge ourselves afresh to believe God’s report and nothing else! I believe it is in times of adversity that God shows up even more powerfully!

In these times of uncertainty, people begin to search for hope, the world is ripe for revival and the gospel, and I believe it is the unshakable faith of God’s people and the demonstration of His power at times like this that will convince them of the truths of the gospel and of the reality of God.

In Genesis 26:1-6 we read that Isaac was about to go to Egypt because of a famine in the land, and God showed up in verse 2 and said I want you to stay in the land I promised your father and the Bible tells us he stayed in the land and sowed in that land and reaped 100 fold (verse 12). God has the ability to bless us even when it is a time of famine and make us prosper. In verse 13-14 it says God began to prosper him and make him great until he was very prosperous.

And God has the ability to do that for you! Even as you stand at the threshold of the possibility of another great depression, God can prosper you! In the midst of poverty and lack, He is the God of abundance, in the midst of delay, discouragement and disappointment, He is the God of the breakthrough, in the midst of suffering He is the God of all comfort, when it seems like there is not enough, He is the God of more than enough! His eye is on the sparrow and I know He is watching over you as you navigate through the storms you face and as you consider your future, God is with you and God is for you!

I want to leave you with God’s mandate to Joshua as he was considering entering the promised land:

“Have I not commanded you, be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) I want to challenge you today to put your confidence in God. He is with you and He will continue to sustain you. There may be some giants you are facing right now, but I believe God will do miracles to show Himself strong on your behalf. Be strong in the Lord, be courageous, God will give you the land He has promised you, don’t focus on the giants, focus on the ability of God! He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you could even ask or think, according to the power that works within you. (Eph 3:20)

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