Like many, I have played teams sports in my younger years and love to watch sports from time to time, particularly rugby. All team sports with a ball involved, rely heavily on mutual trust within the members of the team. You are put in the position where you have to trust that your team mates have the ability and the skills to do something useful with the ball, when they get it. No one wants to pass the ball to someone who drops the ball.

Sometimes our walk with God can feel a little bit like that. Sometimes we feel like we’re heading for the try-line, the goal posts, ready to score a touchdown, we’re about to pass the ball to God and we wonder, can I trust Him? Now I know that I’m probably the only one that feels that way; I know you would never hesitate at all, you would pass the ball without a second thought, but seriously when you think about it, when it comes to reliable and capable individuals, you just can’t do any better than God.

There are times in life however, that when we pass the ball and nothing happens, we feel like God has fumbled the ball. The Bible is full of stories of individuals who have placed their lives into the hands of God and felt like God let them down, momentarily anyway. I want to spend a moment considering the story of Joseph; just before he was promoted from the prison to the palace. (Genesis 40)

Joseph had spent years as a slave, he’d spent years in prison. God had made a promise to him about great promotion, but all he had experienced for years was demotion. Then his great opportunity came, he gave a prophetic word to the King’s baker and butler. He said to the butler, “When this word comes to pass (and it did) make sure you tell the King.” (Genesis 40:13)

Of course the word came to pass just like Joseph had said, and when the butler was restored to his position, he forgot all about Joseph. Genesis 40:21-23 says “He restored the chief cupbearer to his position, and he placed the cup in Pharaoh’s hand, but he hung the chief baker just as Joseph had interpreted to them. Yet the chief cup bearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.”

I’m sure Joseph must have been thinking “This was my great opportunity for a miracle, I was certain this would be the breakthrough moment.”  I’m almost certain that Joseph was struggling with some feelings of un-forgiveness towards the butler. He may have been thinking, “I gave that guy the most powerful prophetic interpretation of his life, and he’s just conveniently forgotten me?’

It can be difficult when you’ve walked a long hard road, when you’re that close to victory, to keep your attitude right! Joseph had to settle down and remind himself that while it may have looked like God had dropped the ball in this situation, that He was still in control.

It can be difficult to trust God when it looks like the situation is spiraling out of control. But no matter what happens, we can be sure that if we have passed the ball to God there is no one more capable or trustworthy in the Universe to pass it to! Of course ‘in God’s time’ the King had a dream and the butler remembered the man who had interpreted his dream accurately.

This opportunity opened the door for Joseph to be the only person who could interpret the Kings dream. It was the door of opportunity for the fulfillment of the dream God had spoken all those years ago. Not only had God not dropped the ball, this was the goal, the touchdown of a lifetime!

Consider with me the story of Mordecai. Mordecai had warned the King of an assassination attempt on his life. (Esther 2:22) At this point he may have been thinking, “This could be my opportunity to win favor with the king and help my people.” Of course once he had performed this act of loyalty and kindness to the King, it went unrewarded.

Mordecai must have been thinking “How can this have happened? I saved the King’s life and he’s just forgotten me? No reward?” There are times when we do the right thing, sometimes it’s consistently over a long period of time and the rewards are not always immediately apparent. Mordecai had to trust that God had his destiny and the destiny of his people in His hands.

Some time later, the King was reminded in a dream of Mordecai’s act of loyalty and rewarded him. (Esther 6) When it is time for God to act, He will wake people up in their sleep to bring about His plans and purposes. The King honored Mordecai and it was all part of the build-up for God’s greater plan to shame the plans of the enemy and bring deliverance to God’s people.

Today I want to encourage you, continue to trust God. He may be getting ready to use your situation and what you’re going through to help so many others! It may seem like God has dropped the ball in your situation, but you hang in there and keep trusting, God knows what He’s doing!

Ultimately, we know as believers, not only will there be rewards in this life for our acts of faithfulness and obedience to God, but also in the next life. God never drops the ball when we pass it to Him. Now there are times when we aren’t willing to pass the ball to God and we want to do things ourselves. I believe God is looking for team players. People willing to trust Him with everything.

Today I want to encourage you to pass the ball to God. Allow Him to be part of your life and the things you are doing. Maybe you’ve already done that and like Joseph and Mordecai, you’re wondering whether God has dropped the ball. I want to encourage you to hang in there. God has a plan, He is able, and He’s faithful and trustworthy. One way or another as you continue to put your faith and trust in Him, He will come through.

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