What I’m about to share concerns revival, the lost, repentance and brokenness. For me it represents what revival truly is. It concerns the broken heart of God.

God has been leading me for some time to a place of brokenness, weeping, and repentance over many things, it has happened supernaturally. I want to describe what has been happening to the best of my ability. I believe God is God in every way, but I believe there are things which we do which grieve Him, God has made Himself vulnerable to some degree to us. Our sin grieves Him as does our lost condition before Him.

I believe God’s heart is broken over many things and I believe revival takes place when we begin to feel the same things He does, when our heart breaks for the things that break His heart.

What breaks God’s heart? I believe God’s heart is broken over the lostness of humanity. Literally millions are perishing and headed for a Christ-less eternity on a daily basis. They have no knowledge of God or maybe they have hardened their hearts and rejected God. God weeps. His heart breaks over every one.

When God gives us His heart, we weep with Him. I’m not talking about natural emotion I talking about an extended weeping and brokenness that pours over us in a supernatural way, a kind of supernatural weeping and brokenness for the lost like a damn bursting or a tidal wave hitting the shore.

When we begin to care about what God cares about revival happens. At the commencement of the Welsh revival, Evan Roberts prayer was that God would bend the Church. That God would give the Church the same concern for a lost world the He had. What a mighty revival took place as this supernatural weeping, repentance and brokenness began to grip the people of Wales.

I have been gripped many times and seen others gripped with the broken heart of God. When this happens, something special happens, God draws near in a special way and people are touched, revived and renewed. There is a deep intercession that takes place that is so powerful it cannot be described with words. The Holy Spirit falls and moves so powerfully when people are gripped with God’s heart for the lost.

God’s heart breaks over our sinfulness and the sinfulness of others. Repentance flows powerfully as we begin to feel God’s heart there is a weeping over our sinfulness, a brokenness that cannot be explained in human terms. It is as we begin to understand how much God is hurt by our sin that our heart is changed. We don’t want to sin because it hurts God. It breaks His heart, repentance and brokenness flows when we feel what He is feeling over our sin.

God’s heart is broken over so many things, a broken and segregated Church, those who suffer in the grip of poverty, those who lose loved ones, all the pain and suffering in this world. As God’s heart breaks He weeps. Jesus wept, He was in touch with the heart of God.

I have a sense that there is so much more God is wanting to release to His church at this time, and it is only as we get connected to God’s heart that we will see Him change us, change those around us and change a lost and dying world.

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